Our company

European Homecare is a mid-sized family company which has specialised in social services. We help policy in a practical way by fulfilling specific tasks that arise for example from the basic right to asylum.

Unser Auftrag Über allem steht die Devise: Wirtschaftlichkeit und Soziales dürfen sich nicht ausschließen! Gerade im verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit sozialen Randgruppen verbinden wir im Sinne des Auftraggebers wirtschaftliches Handeln mit sozialer Kompetenz.

Our mission

Encompassing everything is our motto: Economic efficiency and welfare should not be mutually exclusive!Especially in our responsible dealings with socially marginalised groups, we combine economic action with social skills as the client desires.

Your collaboration

European Homecare GmbH has been working for over 20 years to receive and house refugees and asylum seekers. We are looking for multilingual staff across Germany to support our teams. Click here for more information about our current vacancies.

European Homecare

With 2,000 qualified employees, European Homecare is amongst the most efficient and productive providers of social services. Founded in 1989, the company is characterised by a high level of flexibility and expertise.

Currently, around 20,000 asylum seekers, refugees and homeless people are cared for comprehensively and responsibly in over 100 European Homecare accommodation facilities. This includes expert care for children and young people, as well as pioneering EU projects.

The objective of all activities is to offer the best possible quality of service – and to do this both in a humanitarian as well as a social and economic manner. To this end, all our employees support our efforts with the greatest personal commitment.